Ouch my friend
The eyes got to me. I dont know what to day. This definately didnt deserve an award. What is newgrounds coming to?The eyes got to me. I dont know what to day. This definately didnt deserve an award. What is newgrounds coming to?
Ouch my friend
The eyes got to me. I dont know what to day. This definately didnt deserve an award. What is newgrounds coming to?The eyes got to me. I dont know what to day. This definately didnt deserve an award. What is newgrounds coming to?
Dude(ette) i really didnt like it...
The music got to me... It was horrible. There were all these glitches and i feel that objects that were supposed to be stationarry kept sliding around. Get the glitches outta your actionscript man.
good stuff
How did you do the welcome page? Love that text.
Hi im gonna make a shitty flash with a stick in the fucking movie that thinks hes superior to a fucking clock on the internet because im so cool. Ill slap some shit ms paint trees in the backround, and make a shit spray can that says anti-clock kill on it. Oh boy im so amazing. I bet ill get front page.
2 things here, Void 2 > every flash youve ever made. EVER. and 2, You cannot kill the clock crew.
mass vote 0.
Not bad, good effort.
The good points,
You used the hyrule field and various other settings from OoT which is a major plus. They were all easily recognizable and well done. The fighting was pretty good, the animations couldve been better but good effort on em.
Bad points,
At the beginning of the movie you had link riding towards hyrule and you kicked in some decent rock music but the thing is, it doesnt fit at all with the Zelda franchise and doing this was kinda corny aswell. Dont do it in the future... Also, dont rip off of DBZ. Again this doesnt fit at all with zelda and DBZ is overall corny and stupid anyway.
In short, stick to the sword play, keep it epic and fantasy feeling like LOTR and Zelda itself. I reccomend using some LOTR music next time. Itd tie into zelda pretty good I think. As long as you dont over use it. Also try to imrpove the animations and overall charachter models. Everything looked good but it couldve been better.
U get a 4 in my book.
Good job strange! You are a demi-god when it comes to the clock crew!
This is the best thing since void 2! SERIOUSLY! its about time one of the clocks submitted an awsome flash. Glad to see someones doing there job (...yeah I havnt done anything for awhile either but still..) Nice work.
(You shoulda saved it for clockday...)
You know something I don't, do you?
that was terrible..
No REAL animation, No real plot, No point..
How was this not blammed? Its terrible. This is a disgrace to every zelda parody out there.
Well look on the bright side, Atleast you'll get turd of the week.
Ok,I got a 2.5, so if you think that it is that bad, keep it to yourself. there was no advice in that entire post. So just dont review if you have no good advice.
Age 92, Male
Clock Crew High
www.clockcrew.net FUUUCKC
Joined on 6/4/03